Friday, 26 July 2013

Discount Code for you!

The 20% off code is active and will remain active until Midnight (12AMCST), Monday, July 29.

20% Off Discount Code, valid July 22-29: SBAP20

I think I am also going to take up this deal too!


Tuesday, 23 July 2013

New week, new video

This week I uploaded a fashion video, something I haven't done in some time.
It's pretty quick; just two outfits with tights! Here's the link:

Outfits with Tights!

What do you think? Should I film another?

And last week I uploaded this... a haul!

-J x

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Christmas in July

Throughout July I have been uploading winter themed videos to go with my series "Christmas in July". I haven't really been doing anything Christmas-y, just winter videos that have been requested plus some of my own ideas.

I originally intended to upload two videos a week so that viewers who aren't interested in the series can watch another that week, but for next two weeks I will go back to uploading one video a week (unless absolutely necessary to upload two).

I have worked particularly hard to upload top content and have been pleased with the finished results. I just hope you all like them!

So here are the first two episodes of Christmas in July. Enjoy them and let me know what you think!

This video is my Winter Essentials for 2013:

And this video is all about DIY scrubs and masks that have been inspired by Christmas/ winter.


Fresh Start

I have decided to make a blog. I am not sure why I have this urge nor I do think I can keep this updated because I already have lots of other social media forms. But even if I can't work on this now, at least I'll have it for the future.

Well for the next hour or so I am going to try and learn my way around this blog and hopefully do it up a little, just in case someone happens to make their way here.